Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My Blog Sucks

My blog sucks. I'm sick of writing it but I still enjoy reading others. I can't be the only one who feels this way as many of my friends and teammates have stopped keeping up with theirs. I'm even sick of comparing my training to other people's. We're all different. Who gives a shit if somebody I race does more mileage or more hills or more races. I used to go into races only knowing what I've done to prepare. Now I know what just about everyone around me has done.
I'll still keep a run log on paper which I've done since I started running. I might even occasionally post a race report or something here, but I'm not gonna even try to keep my run log on here.


  1. I hear ya man. Dave Dunham mentioned that. You know how everyone prepares for a race now. Definitely keep posting but just the good stuff. I blog because my family reads it everyday. I try to keep mine entertaining and not always about the running.

  2. Where is the like button on this thing??? I feel the same way.

  3. Sorry you feel that way man. I enjoyed reading your posts.

  4. That's why I only post once a week with my boring weekly run totals. I never had the energy to write race reports. Races to me, are a blur. i started out fast, got tired, ran with someone, etc. I can never remember shit. i enjoy reading about your runs Greg, and I hope you keep it up. See you at a future race,

  5. I never go to any running sites (Let's run and stuff like that) but I really enjoy going to individual runners blogs. It is kind of cool to just drop in and see how friends and teammates are doing. MQ thinks that his "boring weekly run totals" are boring but I find that kind of stuff fascinating. I'm especially interested in what guys do when things aren't going well (injuries and such). You never know where you'll pick up a nugget of useful information. Keep blogging!

  6. As your big brother I demand you keep blogging. Thank you.

    Keep Keeneyan blogging alive!!

  7. Not blogging is one thing, but missing the Wednesday workout? That is on acceptable. Good thing your evil twin was there.

  8. I want to know how the summer of 100 mile weeks turns out...
