Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Last two weeks - April 9th - 22nd

M - 0
T - 10mi
W- 0
R - 13mi
F - 3/14
S - 14
S - 14* w/5mile race -26:23 (4:55,4:59,5:07,5:56,5:23) I'm not sure if that 4th mile was long or if I just died.  It seems to me that it was a little long.  It would have been a 4mile p.r. with my other 4miles-20:25.  I'll take it.
Total - 68mi

M - 10mi
T- 10/5
W - 8mi* workout: 200-400 x 4 (36,71,35,69,34,68,32,61) 200rest.  Feel Great!
R - 14mi* - Ran up Mt. Monadnock w/Miller.  Perfect day on the mountain.
F - 7mi
S - 15mi
S - 17mi in Gilsum woods w/George, Fyffe, and Ferenc. 
Total - 86mi

I have 5 weeks until Vermont City Marathon.  I need some long m.p. runs and to get my mileage up a bit.  Feeling pretty good.


  1. Nice two weeks man. Keep it up. You running the Bedford 12k the week before?
