Thursday, September 16, 2010

Week of Sept. 13th-19th

Monday: 5mi/ 43 min. in Friedsam w/xc team + run to school and back.

Tuesday: 10mi / 66 min. in Pisgah w/ Griffin. Great run. Feeling light and fast.

Wednesday: 0mi - Had an xc meet. Fun watching Josh win. I'm tapering and don't mind a day off. Lot's of dunking at school today on 9'. Legs feel fresh and snappy.

Thursday: 2mi / 15min w/xc team. Feel good. Griffin got sprayed by a skunk this morning. God my house stinks! I bathed her using special skunk shampoo and put vinegar all over my house. Hopefully, it will work!

Friday: omi - another xc meet, watched Josh win again. Did some more dunking on 9'. Got a couple nice two handed, self alley oop, off the glass, reverse monster jams down. Still working on the 360. Legs feel great!

Saturday: 8mi / 55min in Pisgah w/Griffin the skunky one. Feel good ready to battle tomorrow. I hope I can get some sleep tonight!

Sunday: 35mi* / 4:04 - Pisgah 50k, 6th place

Total: 60mi


  1. I used to be able to throw down constantly on 9' back in the day!

  2. Good luck this weekend guys (I thought it was last weekend). My condolences on the canine. And I could tickle the twine at 9' with nasty underhand granny shots like crazy back in '87.

  3. Not sure if you would be dunking if I was guarding you - I know some tricks....

    See you tomorrow!

  4. Jonny and I always beat the guys who only cared about dunkin. What up Russ? Droppin Ice Cream on your head.

  5. You're the only person I know who would include dunking a basketball in his taper. I hope Pisgah went well.
